Table of Contents; Elaborations, Day 2
︎︎︎ 4.13.97
Dichotomous principles, male/female aspects,
Discussion of soul, life essence,
Description/illustration of creation (see Final Offering 8.24.97)
“The only true weighted equality are the male and female aspects. The other categories, while they have been placed in dichotomous relationships such as, good/evil/, order/chaos, understanding/confusion, are not truly equal…
Now in reference to the concept of reincarnation… While the species all have their own evolution within themselves, and a species is in fact a species and no other, in neat orderly linear progressions, it is possible to choose the experience of changing between spirit periods to inhabit the form of another species, because the soul energy is identical for all beings…
Your soul is the knowledge, the portion knowing of the Creative Infinite, your understanding of Me.”
︎︎︎ 4.14.97
Elaborations on 4.13.97
“The task of beings, known/unknown, material/non-material. Is communication…
The unknowns are, hereafter, to be known as members.”
︎︎︎ 4.15.97
Elaborations on soul
︎︎︎ 4.20.97
Dimensions described as a grid (see Final Offering 9.16.97),
“Reality is like a grid of armadillo scales, or rectangular plates. It can be visualized like a wall of television screens… (see Book 3, Final Offering, 9/16/97)
Our job is to make things beautiful.”
︎︎︎ 4.21.97
Beauty (cont’d)
︎︎︎ 4.23.97
Birth and relation to spirit
“The closest to birth/rebirth… infancy… the closer to spiritual contact. The more we grow, i.e. the more three dimensional we become, the further we move away from the other dimensions of spirit…”
︎︎︎ 4.27.97
Instructions to the recorder
“It isn’t that you are being given anything new. You are being given a summary… This is how things are… they are meant to be simple… You must say what I say… ”
︎︎︎ 4.30.97
Entertaining the reality of others material/non-material, known/unknown
“The analogy of the television is the right one for the current time period. The behavior of others can only be described… it cannot be experienced.
Entertaining the possible realities of others, will give you more than you have today…”
︎︎︎ 5.4.97
Free will and the choice of incarnations
“As you move from one life to the next, from one state of being to the next, you choose your scene… the set you wish to be placed within. The metaphor of theater is very helpful in this instance…”
︎︎︎ 5.7.97
Instructions to the recorder,
Mental knowledge vs soul knowledge
“You do not channel for others… for the good of one. You channel for all… for the good of all.”
︎︎︎ 5.8.97
Description of dimensions as ‘hives or cells’
Q. What are we going to find out?
A. “You are going to find out that you are not alone……”
︎︎︎ 5.9.97
Description of mechanism of breakthrough between dimensions
“There are areas within the ‘orbs’ that bulge or contract……”
︎︎︎ 5.10.97
Structure of the universe, internal and external consistency
“Thought is form
Form thought.
The structure of the universe in the same… both internal and external. There is consistency…”
︎︎︎ 5.11.97
Infinity (see 7.17.97)
“Infinity is everything…”
︎︎︎ 5.22.97
Life as a waveform away and towards Spirit,
Templar principles, waveforms, circle, nucleus in cell,
Original sin
“Children enter this world in a state closest to perfection…
The journey away becomes the journey towards… hence, a wave form A life is a wave form…”
︎︎︎ 5.23.97
Patience with the course of life (see Final Offering 9.5.97)
“The course of life takes a long time to percolate…”
︎︎︎ 6.2.97
The acceptance of change
“Meet change with acceptance, not resistance…”
︎︎︎ 6.4.97
The stress of modern life
“As the stress of life/existence outruns the ability of the current humanity to cope/deal with its requirements, layers of life and artifice will begin to strip away, as layers of clothing that no longer serve…”
︎︎︎ 9.7.97
The application and comfort of templar principles (wave form pulsation) to one’s personal life
“The universe expands and contracts in the same way that individuals move from the small to the large, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. The template within a specific dimensional plane is consistent within the given plane…”
︎︎︎ 6.8.97
The circle of learning and negative experiences
“In order to complete your circle of learning, you must learn to recognize the negative as a thankful presence on your existence…”
︎︎︎ 6.10.97
Instructions to the recorder
“Abstract life principles…
The solutions are there, as are the easy actions in service of others, for the good of all…”
︎︎︎ 6.15.97
The Bible Code (book) as an order to take notice
“This (the Bible Code) is an order to take notice…”
︎︎︎ 6.17.97
Helping others
“People are supposed to help each other, not in grand anonymous ways, but in the small daily presence of their lives…”
︎︎︎ 6.18.97
Mistakes and personal change/growth,
(Please note that in paragraph 3, the space before the
word ‘know’ was for the symbol… thus reading picture
of Symbol inserted here know, etc)
Life’s work,
The secret of personal peace,
Love and unification
“You cannot pay (recompense) for mistakes in the past… for mistakes you have made in the past. You can only realize them in the present… that they have been made… that they have happened… and change the future. This is the lesson of life, the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to change behavior…”
“All of the principles of life’s conduct are the same… a bauble is a bauble, whether it is a rock or a precious stone. Excess be excess, whether it is an extra field of grain or a field of possibles…
All must do the same (the Process) to become the same… to understand the same things… to move together… to join together.
What you need to do within a lifetime(s) is quite simple. You learn what you need to learn. You have what you need to have. You do what you need to do. What you learn is…
This is the secret of peace…”
︎︎︎ 7.5.97
Love and the approach to life as moments of grace
“Raise your children with love in the house…
We must do nothing less than allow each, as it is manifested, its right to exist…”
︎︎︎ 7.6.97
“You get what you need”
︎︎︎ 7.8.97
Acceptance of the Creator as Perfection,
Acceptance of the process of life,
Instructions to the recorder
“I am preaching the simple acceptance of the process of your lives…acceptance of the overall scheme within a vast plane of options and experiences, which you call free will……”
“There is a correlation with the poetry you have received……”
︎︎︎ 7.11.97
The individual and society and the principle of opportunity
“Each being is defined by the society in which it lives. This is the way. It is known in advance how this will happen, how this is manifest. This is the choice…”
︎︎︎ 7.12.97
Emotions and states of being and their relation to both personal and institutional interaction
“The combinatorial principles of emotions and state explain all, the rapture, the misery, the dissension and the problems, whether applied in a small seemingly meaningless way or a very large universal, state or political, if you must, level…
When an emotion or a state of being is met with a like emotion or state of being, the resultant product is more…
Love with love begets love. Hatred with hatred breeds more of itself. Love and hatred beget hope for a future resolution, nut a net effect of neutrality for the meeting as it occurred…”
︎︎︎ 7.13.97
Clarification to the recorder
“You have been given many experiences with many voices manifest, throughout all of the spirit realms and dimensional planes.
The reason for this has been to act as illustration…”
︎︎︎ 7.17.97
“This is more as it applies to the idea of infinity. All of the ideas may be misshaped… yet they will all have some slight window into the truth…”
︎︎︎ 7.18.97
Two Gifts
“Go outside, I want to give you something. There is something outside…”
︎︎︎ 7.24.97
Collective conscious and being elevation via melding, positive vibrations, light enhancement and energy transferral (see Final Offering 9.19.97)
“There is a collective conscious… which are memories of the godlight materials, stored and preserved as traces amongst the dispersed beings...”
︎︎︎ 7.26.97 to 8/8/97
Technology required to view and separate layers of dimension (subtraction lenses, magnetic peeling)
“to see beyond the primitive planes… to separate dimensions… a way/mechanism to read and stretch the strands.”
︎︎︎ 8.1.97
The creation of a living Eden,
A blueprint for the humane
“You are moved by moods not kindness. (A statement of improper motivation, as it relates to helping others in time of need, which ultimately leads to more problems for the one receiving the help.)
What is needed is a general plan, eternally unchanging, a blueprint for the humane, based on the root principles, which can then be applied simply, without whimsy, without question… forever invulnerable to lesser disposed critics. It is emotional and spiritual whimsy and the quest for personal power and self-aggrandizement which creates dependency, unkind unpredictability, and the destruction and breakdown of the spirit, engendering a loss of hope.
Each being should be able to function in as healthy a way as possible, at any given point in time. No one should starve… there is no reason. No one should be harmed… there is no reason. No one should suffer at the hands of any other… there is no reason. There are resources for all. There is kindness for all. There is space for all. There is plenty for all.
There is a way for all to live in peace. It is mismanaged, misplaced resources, both physical, spiritual and emotional, which lead to the inequities of life (which lead to the control by those who have no place being in control.) There is no reason. There is only greed… greed and self-indulgence.
Some being/beings need to make a plan and then apply this plan equally to all. It is not difficult. It is only difficult when the ones in control are cloudy as to their motivation, their need for control and their distance from Me.
The distance from Me will be bridged eventually for all. During the process of this elevation, those who have internally learned what needs to be learned, to lead and care for others in kindness, must join together to record rules of kindness which then are to applied consistently throughout the realm of beings. There is no need for money, (as you call it, ) there is no need for starvation, for cruelty, for war, for suffering, for unequal distribution of resources to all beings, for deprivation in whatever form.
There is no need for politic, for borders, for fear. There is only need for the collection of the beings, who come from the root kindness, to organize a plan and follow through on it, to create, in your understanding… a living Eden. It shall be done, whether now or later. It shall be done.
It is all completely right.”